While this might be apparent news to some of you, we still wanted to cover counterfeits to those who aren't aware.
Anime isn't always the cheapest purchase, especially new titles. To make some cash from fans who want to own and watch a show, they'll sell fake products at a much lower price, and it seems UQ Holder already has such a DVD out. Negima's anime experienced the same, but there are reasons not to invest in these counterfeit releases.
Buying these not only does not help the creators of the series, but you're buying a shoddy product. The box art is ripped straight from promotional art and episodes, even the logo isn't official. Knockoff DVD's like this are known for performing poorly and many times, use illegible subtitles. All in all, as it's not an official release, you're bound to get shortchanged. To ensure you get what you pay for, it's best to wait for an official release.
Keep in mind: at this current time, UQ Holder has only been released in Japan as a box set, in Blu-ray format, without English subtitles. If you want to support the creators and get an official product, avoid this product and others like it. We'll be sure to cover the official releases.
Have you seen unofficial merch for the series? As always, let us know below!