Negima! Magister Negi Magi Volume 30 was released in Japan on May 17, 2010 by Kodansha for ¥419. This is the 30th volume of a series of 38 books in total about the challenges of Negi, a child wizard who is tasked with teaching a class of junior-high girls all while searching for clues to lead to his missing father. It was written by author, Ken Akamatsu.
MM総督・クルトから、両親の過去を教えてもらったネギ。母であるアリカが罠にかけられたことを知ったネギに、クルトは共に闘おうと迫る! そして、ネギが出した答えは!? 一方、フェイトと闘うラカンは、ある事実を突きつけられ、大ピンチに陥る!!
-- Kodansha