Negima! Magister Negi Magi Volume 9 (New Edition) was released in Japan on April 7, 2017 by Kodansha for ¥880. This is the ninth volume of a series of re-releases of 19 books in total about the challenges of Negi, a child wizard who is tasked with teaching a class of junior-high girls all while searching for clues to lead to his missing father. It was written by author, Ken Akamatsu.
In 2016, Negima's original manga began to hit stores once more as a series of unique re-releases to commemorate the sequel series, UQ Holder!, which head been green-lit for an anime series. The new releases would be released in an omnibus-form and would contain two volumes of the manga instead of releasing all 38, dividing the total number of books in half. In addition, these releases featured new art of select characters in the artist's modern style on the cover and each was splashed with sparkly star effects.
赤松 健最新作「UQ HOLDER!」アニメ化を記念して「ネギま!」新装版登場! 新書サイズからB6判にサイズアップしてワイドに読めるように! 新装版9巻は「麻帆良祭」ファイナル…長かった麻帆良祭もいよいよ最終日を迎えます! 超の企みに応戦すべく行われた学園全体を巻き込んだ魔法大戦イベントの行方は!? …そしてようやく「1学期」終了を迎えます。
-- Kodansha