Negima!? Neo Volume 4 was released in Japan on July 17, 2008 by Kodansha for ¥400. This is the fourth volume of a series of seven books in total about the challenges of Negi, a child wizard who is tasked with teaching a class of junior-high girls all while searching for clues to lead to his missing father.
This series was written by Takuya Fujima and is a spin-off of the original manga and is essentially, a retelling. It was released under the supervision of Studio SHAFT for their Negima!? anime series.
無事、3年生に進級したネギ担任のA組! 更に、ネギの幼なじみ・アーニャも転入してきて、ますますにぎやかでパワフルなクラスに!! そして、アーニャが早く学校になじむように、部活に入ってもらおうとネギは計画。新体操に、料理、茶道と色々見学するものの、やっぱり部活には入らないと宣言するアーニャ。そこに現れた楓と鳴滝姉妹は、自分達の「さんぽ部」にアーニャを勧誘するが‥‥!?
-- Kodansha