Subbed Version
[Nodoka (Narration)]: Since ancient times, there has been a legend
that says two people who are destined for one another Are bound pinky-to-pinky with a red thread. I wonder where my red thread ends and who it’s connected to. Could it be… ...that it just might be… -------------- [Yue]: Practe bigi nar ardescat!
[Nodoka]: Wow, Yue-yue, that was great! All right, my turn! Practe bigi nar ardescat! [Yue]: Nothing is ever accomplished overnight. Rome wasn’t built in a day. [Nodoka]: You’re right. But I hope I can become able to use magic soon. -------------- [Nodoka]: The other day, when we went exploring on Library Island,
I found this at the back of a bookshelf. [Yue]: This is… a spell book? [Nodoka]: I’m thinking this might be the red thread of destiny. [Yue]: So it seems. In other words, this is a spell that shows you who you are destined for. [Nodoka]: I want to be able to cast this. Then, do you think I’ll find out who I’m destined to be with? [Yue]: Let us give it a try. [Nodoka]: What? But we’re still beginners. This spell looks so hard… [Yue]: All people have their strengths and weaknesses. It could be that this is more suited to me than producing fire and I may have an easy time of it! Besides… Don’t you want to know who you’re destined to be with? According to this book, it says that you should focus your mind on the person you care about without being false to yourself. [Nodoka]: O-Okay! --Please, let it be Negi-sensei. [Yue]: --Practe bigi nar filum ostrinus. <repeat 4 times> [Yue]: Success?! [Nodoka]: The thread has gone off into the distance… -------------- [Nodoka & Yue]: --What?! It’s not?!
--What?! It’s not?! [Negi]: No, this is not to make the red thread of destiny visible. It is a spell that binds two people together with a red thread. [Asuna]: Man, that sure scared me. Negi suddenly got dragged off, so I didn’t know what to think. [Nodoka]: Bind with a red thread? Then, Negi-sensei and I… ...have become bound by destiny?! [Class]: Congratulations! [Nodoka]: Th-This can’t be happening… I’m still not emotionally ready… [Negi]: Please don’t worry, Nodoka-san. [Nodoka]: What? [Negi]: It’s a weak spell used as a party trick. It’ll be gone by tonight. [Nodoka]: I-I see. [Asuna]: Forget about something so tedious. Why don’t you just cut it? [Nodoka]: What? [Asuna]: I mean, it’ll be a bother, right? And it’ll be dangerous if you hook it on something. [Nodoka]: O-Oh, no, that’s not necessary. As long as we’re careful… [Negi]: Ch-Chamo-kun?! -------------- [Chamo]: I was dangerously close to being turned on to a new hobby.
[Asuna]: See? It’s dangerous. Let’s just cut it. [Negi]: I agree. Please do it, Asuna-san. [Asuna]: Huh? I can’t cut it. [Chamo]: Oh-ho… This spell is pretty well cast for an accidental success, Yuecchi. [Yue]: That is very kind of you. [Negi]: It can’t be helped. Fortunately, we have no school today, so let’s stay like this until the thread disappears. Are you fine with that, Nodoka-san? [Nodoka]: Y-Yes. So I get to spend all day today with Negi-sensei. <knocks on door, enter Konoka & Setsuna> [Konoka]: So this is where you were, Asuna. [Asuna]: Konoka, what’s up? [Konoka]: Everyone’s wanting to go bathing. [(collectively)]: --Bathing?! --Bathing?! -------------- <”Yukihiro Travel Group”>
<”Yukihiro”> <”Yukihiro”> <”Yukihiro”> <”Wishing for Flight”> <”Yukihiro / Men / Great Bath / Women”> [Negi]: Wow, this is incredible! [Ayaka]: This is none other than the new recreational facility built by the Yukihiro Travel Group! The Mahora Spa Resort! <”Yukihiro / Mahora Spa Resort”> <”Yukihiro Travel Group”> [Negi]: The Mahora Spa Resort? [Ayaka]: Yes. To commemorate its completion, I wanted you to be the first to experience it, So I had special access granted to ur class in advance of the opening. Now, please enjoy it to your heart’s content! [Asuna]: But… ...Negi hates baths. [Negi]: Oh, well… But I’ve never been to a place like this, so… --I’m looking forward to it! [Nodoka (thinking)]: --Taking a bath with Negi-sensei… [**Negi]: Then, shall we go? [**Asuna]: Yeah. [Ayaka]: Oh, w-w-wait! --------------
[Konoka]: This place really is huge!
Seriously. [Haruna]: Good going, Nodoka. <”Love Odor”> <”Amphibious Use”> [Nodoka]: Haruna! [Haruna]: Since when did you become close enough to Negi-sensei t hold hands? <”Bath”> [Nodoka]: Th-This isn’t anything like that. The thread is short… we have no choice. <”Mm-hm”> [Haruna]: Thread? What thread? [Nodoka]: What? [Negi]: Nodoka-san, it appears people without magic can’t see the thread. --------------
[Fuka]: Come on!
[Fuka & Fumika]: --V! [Konoka]: --Talk about some weird magic. [Setsuna]: I cannot say that I approve. --Casting spells without truly understanding them… [Fuka]: --Why did you go away! Hold on! [Setsuna]: --If it had turned out to be a dangerous spell… [Konoka]: You don’t have to be so uptight about it. Doesn’t it look like fun? Like some detective drama. [Setsuna]: Detective drama?! <”Suspect Negi”> <”Negi Springfield”> <”Detective Nodoka (Nickname: Bookstore)”> <”Nodoka Miyazaki”> [Konoka]: Like that. It’s kind of exciting! [Setsuna]: O-Ojousama! [Konoka]: Wanna give being tied together a try, too? [Setsuna]: P-Please, Ojousama! You must be joking! [Konoka]: --Gottcha! [Negi]: --Well, then, we’ll go relax over there. [Asuna]: --What? Relax? [Setsuna]: --You mustn’t! Please let go! [Negi]: --You know, because we can’t get changed like this. [Setsuna]: --Ojousama! [Negi]: Let’s go, Nodoka-san. <”Women”> <”Bath”> [Nodoka]: Okay. [Negi]: Asuna-san, all of you go enjoy your bath and don’t worry about us. [Konoka]: Come on, Secchan! [Chamo]: Oh! [Asuna]: Hold it! You’re using that as an excuse because you hate baths, aren’t you?! {Negi]: P-Please! You have it all wrong! [Asuna]: What a lie! Tearing up a ratty t-shirt like that won’t be anything to cry over! [Negi]: W-We can’t do this, Asuna-san! Even if I’m fine with it, Nodoka-san would be… Please stop! [Asuna]: Don’t bother arguing with me! Oh… [Konoka]: Negi-kun! Bookstore Girl! [Setsuna]: Negi-sensei! Miyazaki-san! [Nodoka]: I-I’m sorry, Teacher! [Negi]: Oh, no, please don’t worry about it. [Asuna]: Oh, stupid! <Insert Negi sneeze> [Asuna]: Y-You stupid, Negi! [Negi]: I’m sorry! --------------
[Ayaka]: What a pleasant bath.
[Chizuru]: What American state contains lots of people who like to bathe?
[Natsumi]: I got it! Bathing is “nyuu-yoku,” so it’s New York! [Chizuru]: Wrong! Bathing is “ofuro,” so it’s Florida. [Natsumi]: Chizu-nee, what if I’d answered that it was Florida? [Chizuru]: Wrong! Bathing is “nyuu-yoku,” so it’s New York! [Natsumi]: That’s the kind of person she is. --------------
[Fuka]: Jacuzzis improve your circulation and up your metabolism, right?
[Fumika]: It’s good for your skin, too! It’s all bubbly and feels good! [Kaede]: Jacuzzis have other excellent benefits as well. [Fuka & Fumika]: --Huh? Like what? --Huh? Like what? [Kaede]: You cannot be caught even if you fart. Oh… You cannot be caught even if you fart. [Fuka & Fumika]: Nooo! [Kaede]: Just kidding. --------------
[Misora]: Gack.
Mana, that… [Mana]: Not to worry. It’s an underwater gun. [Misora]: No, that wasn’t what I meant… [Mana]: The harpoon has a power head containing buckshot! Even a great white shark will go down in one shot. [Misora]: There aren’t any sharks in baths, either! There is! [Akira]: I found this. [Ku]: Oh, I was looking for that. What’s wrong, Misora? [Misora]: Y- You brought it again?! <”Negima Spring”> <”Must See”> --------------
[Sayo]: Ah, what a pleasant bath. I feel revived!
[Kazumi]: What? You’re going to be revived? This is a scoop! A scoop! I’ll go get my camera, so wait for me to revive! [Sayo]: No, that was not how I meant it… --------------
[Konoka]: Secchan, I’ll wash your back.
[Setsuna]: N-No, Ojousama, you mustn’t! I shall be the one to wash your back, Ojousama! [Konoka]: Yeah? Then I think I’ll take you up on that. [Setsuna]: Then, please excuse me. [Konoka]: That tickles. Secchan? What’s wrong, Secchan? [Setsuna]: I cannot, Ojousama. --------------
[Negi]: The water is pleasant, isn’t it?
[Nodoka]: Y-yes. [Nodoka (thinking)]: I’m taking a bath with Negi-sensei… I wish the red thread would just keep us connected together forever. [Haruna]: You shouldn’t do that, Nodoka. [Nodoka]: What? [Haruna]: It’s bad etiquette to bring a towel into the water. [Nodoka]: Oh, but, in Negi-sensei’s presence... [Haruna]: This isn’t some TV anime, you know! Come on, get rid of this unnecessary thing! [Nodoka]: I’m leaving, I’m leaving! I’ll get out, so let me go! [Negi]: Please wait, Nodoka-san! [Haruna]: Sheesh. And here I was thinking I’d build things up between them with a sexy little incident. --------------
[Chamo (singing)]: Baban ba ban ban ban!
Ah, viva, viva, [Nodoka]: Oh, that gave me a scare. Haruna is so unreasonable. I’m so sorry, Negi-sensei. [Negi]: Not at all. I was just about ready to get out anyway. Shall we have some juice or something together over there? [Nodoka]: Yes! [Asuna]: Hold on a moment! [Negi]: Asuna-san! [Asuna]: You haven’t washed yourself, properly, have you? [Negi]: What? [Asuna]: Have a seat there. I’ll wash you. [Negi]: That’s fine, Asuna-san. I can wash myself. [Asuna]: Liar! You can’t even wash your own hair properly. How do you plan to wash yourself with one hand tied up? [Negi]: I’ll be fine. Please don’t worry about me. [Asuna]: And that’s how you plan to worm your way out of it, aren’t you?! We’re at a great bath here, so I’ll wash you good! Prepare to meet you fate! [Satomi]: At a time like this, leave things to me! [Asuna]: Hakase? [Satomi]: I thought such a need might arise. I spent 2 weeks of months and years creating this super machine that comes in handy for bathing! “Scrubber-kun Mark 5”! Please give him a try! [Scrubber-kun Mark 5]: Target acquired. Commencing cleansing. [Negi]: Help! [Asuna]: Hold it right there! Do a thorough wash! [Scrubber-kun Mark 5]: Roger. [Asuna]: Wh-what are you doing?! Nooo! You idiot! Not me! Negi! [Scrubber-kun Mark 5]: Program Part 1. Commencing a massage to loosen up your skin. [Asuna]: No! That tickles! Help! Stop it! Stop it, Hakase! [Satomi]: Unfortunately, the cancel is not working. [Asuna]: What?! [Satomi]: In the end, it seems this is the best I can do in 2 weeks. [Asuna]: Come on! --------------
<”Japanese Garden Bath”> [Chisame]: All right, this is the spot. You guys! Hello, hello! I’ve got a surprise! <”Chi”> [Chisame]: Chiu’s actually at a spa resort right now! [Negi]: We should be safe, now that we’ve gotten this far. [Chisame]: Whoa! --------------
[**?]: --This is heavenly. Just heavenly.
[Chao]: --How would you like a Chao-style beauty treatment? [Madoka]: Beauty treatment? [Kakizaki]: Chao, you know how to do stuff like that? [Chao]: I’ll stimulate your endocrine glands and so wonders for your skin. [Sakurako]: I’ll do it, I’ll do it! Please! [Chao]: It’s an original technique that mixes Chinese-style feet sole massage with osteopathy and chiropractics. [Kakizaki]: How does it feel, Sakurako? [Sakurako]: Mm, it feels really good. [Chao]: Now, this is where it gets serious. [Sakurako]: What? What? What? Owowowowowowowow! Yield! Yield! Yield! Yield! Yield! [Chao]: Bear with it for a little bit! --With this, you’ll feel your exhaustion melt away from your very core! [Sakurako]: --It hurts! Stop! [Kakizaki]: than a beauty treatment, this is more like… [Madoka]: Joint-locking techniques? [Ku]: Chao, the positioning of your arm is wrong. [Sakurako]: What? [Ku]: Do this and she’ll pass out in 2 seconds. See? [Chao]: Oh, dear… [Madoka & Kakizaki]: --What’s the point in making her pass out? --What’s the point in making her pass out? --------------
[Satsuki]: I borrowed the kitchen and tried making these.
They’re fruit cocktails. They’re good for after a bath. [Fuka]: Wow, they’re pretty! Thanks for the drink! [Fumika]: It’s delicious! [Fuka]: It’s refreshing with a clean taste! [Satsuki]: It’s good for replenishing the fluids and vitamins that you lost from perspiring. [Negi]: This is delicious, isn’t it? [Nodoka]: Yes! [Haruna]: What are you doing here, Nodoka?! [Nodoka]: Haruna! [Haruna]: If your relationship with the teacher is getting somewhere, you have to take this chance to go where you can be alone with him! [Nodoka]: Alone with him?! [Haruna]: Come along! I know a great place! [Nodoka]: W-Wait, Haruna! [Negi]: Wh-Where are we going? [Chamo (singing)]: Haa, viva non non! --------------
<”Game Room”>
[Yuuna]: There! Take that! Darn it! There! [Makie]: Zazie wins! [Yuuna]: I’m crushed! To think I would lose at table tennis! [Natsumi]: Zazie, you were amazing! [Zazie]: It’s the same as juggling. [Makie]: All right, any other opponents?! Any challenger who thinks they can beat Zazie?! [Evangeline]: She’s surprisingly good. Chachamaru, go teach her a thing or two. [Chachamaru]: Yes, Master. [Makie]: Game, start! Technical foul, 50-yard penalty! [Evangeline]: What country’s rules are these? --------------
[Negi]: Nodoka-san…
[Nodoka]: Negi-sensei… [Negi]: I’m not used to this sort of thing… [Nodoka]: Um, neither am I… [Negi]: I can’t… I can’t hold on anymore! [Nodoka]: I can’t, either! [Negi]: Nodoka-san… [Nodoka]: Teacher… [Haruna]: I guess a sauna was too much for a kid, after all. Medic! [Ako]: Coming! --------------
[Nodoka]: Negi-sensei…
Hey! Yoohoo! “Hey, Nodoka-san, good morning.” Good morning, Negi-sensei. “Nice day, isn’t it?” Yes, it is. I”m in a good mood, so I’ll give you a pat.” What? But I… “You don’t need to be shy about it.” Really? Then, I’ll take you up on your offer and… [Negi]: Um… I’m awake, you know. [Nodoka]: Please excuse me! Please excuse me! Please excuse me! [Negi]: You have an unexpectedly playful side to you, Nodoka-san. [Nodoka]: What? Oh… <”Come on, it’s too strong Superior Soy”> --------------
[Scrubber-kun Mark 5]: Program Part 25. Cleansing of the nape of the neck.
[Satomi]: The program will end after 6 more parts. Please hang in there, Asuna-san. [Asuna]: Oh, just do with me as you will… --------------
[Makie]: Wait!
[Yue]: Nodoka is my friend, so as long as she is happy, I am happy. I do not have any special feelings for Negi-sensei, so… No special feelings… [Ako]: A-Are you okay, Class Rep? [Ayaka]: I am fine. [Misora]: Uh-oh! [Yue]: You guys! [Yue (thinking)]: How stupid can I be? Nodoka… Negi-sensei… I… I… [Negi]: Are you all right, Yue-san? [Yue]: Negi-sensei… [Negi]: Your music is running amok! We must stop it immediately! [Nodoka]: What do we do? [Negi]: I will channel the flow of magic. Yue-san, please guide your awareness. [Yue]: Guide… my awareness? [Negi]: You must repeat the emotions you felt when you used your magic. Without being false to yourself. [Yue]: Without… being false to myself… [Negi]: Mea virga! [Yue (thinking)]: Without being false to myself… Nodoka, I’m sorry! [Misora]: I thought I was dead. [Natsumi]: What was that just now? [Kakizaki]: Maybe it was faulty construction. [Ayaka]: My! The Yukihiro Travel Group would never make such a mistake! [Negi]: It is over. [Nodoka]: Negi-sensei, ours, too. It’s disappeared. [Negi]: There’s nothing to worry about, Nodoka-san. [Nodoka]: Huh? [Negi]: Because the real red thread is still connected. We can’t see it, but I’m sure it’s connected to someone somewhere. [Nodoka]: You’re right… It’s so pretty. [Yue]: Agreed. [Negi]: You don’t have to stay close to me anymore, you know. [Nodoka]: Right. --------------
[Scrubber-kun Mark 5]: Program Part… Now, we will go over everything again starting with Program Part 1. [Asuna]: Nooo! |
Dubbed Version
[Nodoka (Narration)]: Since ancient times, there has been a legend
that says two people who are destined for one another Are bound pinky-to-pinky with a red thread. I wonder where my red thread ends and who it’s connected to. Who knows… ...maybe it’s…him. -------------- [Yue]: Practe bigi nar ardescat!
[Nodoka]: Yue, that’s great! Now it’s my turn! Practe bigi nar ardescat! [Yue]: Nothing is ever accomplished overnight. As they say, Rome was not built in a day. [Nodoka]: I know. It’s just, I really want to get better at this sometime soon, that’s all. -------------- [Nodoka]: The other day, when I went exploring on Library Island,
I found this hiding behind some other book. [Yue]: Let’s see… It’s a spell book? [Nodoka]: Yeah, and I think this might be the one for the red thread of destiny. [Yue]: So it would seem. Looks like this spell, when active, would show you the person you’re destined to be with, isn’t that right? [Nodoka]: I hope so. I want to know that more than anything. Do you think it will actually show me the man I’m meant to love? [Yue]: There’s one way to find out. [Nodoka]: What? But we’re still just beginners, Yue. And the spell looks really difficult, doesn’t it? [Yue]: All people have strengths and weaknesses. It could be that this is more suited to me than producing fire. Who knows? It might even be easier for me to do! Besides… Don’t you want to know who you’re destined to be with? According to this, you should focus your mind on the person you care about without being false to yourself. [Nodoka]: Okay, I’ll try! --Please, let it be Negi [Yue]: --Practe bigi nar filum ostrinus. <repeat 4 times> [Yue]: Success?! [Nodoka]: It worked.... -------------- [Nodoka & Yue]: --Wait! What do you mean it’s the wrong spell?!
--Wait! What do you mean it’s the wrong spell?! [Negi]: I’m just saying this is not the spell to make the red thread of destiny visible. It’s only mean to bind two people together with a red thread. [Asuna]: Man, I can’t tell you how much that freaked me out, watching Negi get dragged away. [Nodoka]: If the spell really did work... Then that would mean Negi and I are… ...destined to be together! [Class]: <random noises, such as moaning, cheers, crying> [Nodoka]: I must be dreaming… This can’t actually be happening to me… [Negi]: Please don’t worry, Nodoka. [Nodoka]: What? [Negi]: It’s a weak spell used as a party trick. It’ll be gone by tonight. [Nodoka]: Right, well, that’s good then. [Asuna]: No need to wait around all day. Just cut the thing. [Nodoka]: What? [Asuna]: It looks annoying And it’d be dangerous if it caught on something, right? [Nodoka]: Oh, no, no! That’s okay!. We’ll be extra careful… [Negi]: Chamo! You alright? -------------- [Chamo]: Oh yeah. That was good, real good.
[Asuna]: Come on. Let’s just cut it. [Negi]: I think you’re right. Why don’t you give it a try. [Asuna]: It won’t cut! [Chamo]: Heh heh heh… Nice! The spell seems to be pretty well cast for a beginner, Lady Pants. [Yue]: How kind of you to say so. [Negi]: It looks like we’re stuck. Good thing we don’t have school today, We’ll just stay like this until the thread disappears. Is that going to work for you? [Nodoka]: Um, of course. Like I would mind getting to spend the day so close to Negii. <knocks on door, enter Konoka & Setsuna> [Konoka]: So this is where you’ve all been hiding, huh? [Asuna]: Hi Konoka, what’s up? [Konoka]: Who wants to take a bath with me? [(collectively)]: --A bath?! --A bath?! -------------- <”Yukihiro Travel Group”>
<”Yukihiro”> <”Yukihiro”> <”Yukihiro”> <”Wishing for Flight”> <”Yukihiro / Men / Great Bath / Women”> [Negi]: Wow, it’s nice! [Ayaka]: What you’re seeing here is none other than the new recreational facility built by the Yukihiro Travel Group! I give you the Mahora Spa Resort! <”Yukihiro / Mahora Spa Resort”> <”Yukihiro Travel Group”> [Negi]: The Mahora Spa Resort? [Ayaka]: Yes. To commemorate its completion, I wanted you to be the first to experience it, So I had special access granted to our class in advance of the opening. Now, please bathe to your heart’s content! [Asuna]: Yeah, one thing… ...I think you forgot how much Negi hates bathing. [Ayaka]: Huh? [Negi]: Uh, well… Actually, I’ve never been anywhere like this before… --and I’m definitely willing to give it a try! [Nodoka (thinking)]: --Take a bath with Negi…? [**]: Then, shall we? [**Asuna]: Yeah. [Ayaka]: Wait! --------------
[**Asuna]: This place is absolutely enormous!
[Konoka]: Seriously. [Haruna]: Way to go, Nodoka. <”Love Odor”> <”Amphibious Use”> [Nodoka]: Haruna! [Haruna]: Slipping Negi the ol’ palm there, huh? So when did you two get so darn close? <”Bath”> [Nodoka]: It’s not like that, I promise! It’s just the thread is so short, we don’t really… ...have a choice. <”Mm-hm”> [Haruna]: What thread is that? Huh? [Nodoka]: What? [Negi]: Nodoka, it appears that those without magic lack the ability to see the thread. --------------
[Konoka]: --Talk about some weird magic.
[Setsuna]: I can’t say that I approve of casting of spells without understanding them… [Fuka]: --Why are you walking away from me? Hold on! [Setsuna]: --However, I’m really not that surprised. [Konoka]: Oh, relax. You don’t have to be so uptight. It seems like fun, don’t you think? Like some detective drama. [Setsuna]: Detective drama?! <”Suspect Negi”> <”Negi Springfield”> <”Detective Nodoka (Nickname: Bookstore)”> <”Nodoka Miyazaki”> [Konoka]: Doesn’t that sound exciting!? [Setsuna]: Eh, what are you doing!? [Konoka]: You wanna try being tied together? [Setsuna]: Seriously, you’re just joking, right? [Konoka]: --Gotcha! [Negi]: --Well, we were thinking of going to relax over there. [Asuna]: --Wait. What do you mean by ‘going to relax”? [Setsuna**]: --You mustn’t! Please let go! [Negi]: --Just that, obviously, we can’t get changed like this. [Setsuna**]: --Please! [Negi]: Let’s go, Nodoka. <”Women”> <”Bath”> [Nodoka]: Okay. [Negi]: Asuna, you and the other girls can enjoy your bath. Don’t worry about us. [Konoka]: Come on, Setsuna! [Chamo]: Ha ha! [Asuna]: Hold it! You jerk! You’re so full of it! {Negi]: What? What are you talking about? [Asuna]: I know you hate baths! You’re just avoiding this! You’re not getting out of it, Negi! [Negi]: But we can’t do this, Asuna! Even if it doesn’t bother me, Nodoka would be mortified! Please stop! [Asuna]: Don’t argue! Eh… [Konoka]: Ohmigosh! What’d you do? [Setsuna]: I hope they’re not hurt too bad... [Nodoka]: Oh, I’m so sorry, Professor! [Negi]: Please, don’t worry about it. [Asuna]: Ah, no! <Insert Negi sneeze> [Asuna]: Negi, you idiot! [Negi]: I’m sorry! --------------
[Ayaka]: Lovely. What a perfect place for a bath.
[Chizuru]: Who can tell me which American state contains the most people who love to take a bath?
[Natsumi]: Hmm… Oh, I know! Is it Washington? [Chizuru]: Wrong! Pretty good guess though. It’s Soaklohoma. [Natsumi]: Yeah right. And your response had I said it was Soaklohoma would have been…? [Chizuru]: Well, then it would have been Washington! [Natsumi]: You know, I don’t think I want to play anymore. --------------
[Fuka]: Hey, you know, I heard someone say jacuzzis improve both your circulation and your metabolism!
[Fumika]: Yeah, and it’s good for your skin! It’s all bubbly and soothing! [Kaede]: That’s all true, but jacuzzis have a few other little benefits you probably haven’t even thought of. [Fuka & Fumika]: --Like what? --Huh? [Kaede]: Well, like if you fart, nobody will ever know. Ah… Like I said, if you fart, no one will notice. [Fuka & Fumika]: Nooo! [Kaede]: Just kidding. --------------
[Misora]: Gasp!
Mana, what’s that…? [Mana]: Don’t worry. It’s an underwater gun. [Misora]: That’s not what I meant… [Mana]: The harpoon will down a great white in one shot! [Misora]: There aren’t sharks in baths! Ahh, no! [Akira]: This costume rocks, huh? Just found it. [Ku]: I’ve been looking for my shark outfit. Ooh, hey. What’s wrong with her? [Misora]: Why’d You bring that stupid thing again?! <”Negima Spring”> <”Must See”> --------------
[Sayo]: Ah, oh my goodness! This bath is just what I needed. I feel completely revived.
[Kazumi]: You’re gonna be revived? This is what I call a scoop! Don’t revive until I get back with my camera! [Sayo]: Uh, that’s not exactly what I meant by revived. --------------
[Konoka]: Setsuna, if you want, I can wash your back.
[Setsuna]: Yeah, well, actually... If anyone should be washing anyone’s back, it should be me washing yours, Miss Konoka. [Konoka]: Then I think I’ll take you up on your offer. [Setsuna]: Here goes nothing. [Konoka]: That tickles. Uh oh! Be careful! It’s all wet! [Setsuna]: I don’t think I can do this... --------------
[Negi]: It’s nice in here.
[Nodoka]: Oh, yes. I like it. [Nodoka (thinking)]: I can’t believe I’m taking a bath with Negi… If only we could stay this way forever. [Haruna]: Such a naughty girl, Nodoka. How do you expect to get clean with a towel on? [Nodoka]: Oh, but with Negi here, I just thought that... [Haruna]: Ugh, it’s not like this is some *erotic anime, you know! You gotta ditch the unmentionables! [Nodoka]: Actually, I’m getting out now so please let me go! [Negi]: Nodoka, slow down, please! [Haruna]: Oh well. And here I was thinking I’d be able to spice up the weekend with a little innocent hanky panky. --------------
[Chamo (humming)]
[Nodoka]: Whoa, that was a close one. Sorry for making a scene, Negi. Haruna can be a little pushy sometimes. [Negi]: Oh, well yes. Quite right. **Weird pause with some mutters. Definitely strange, but matches lips. [Nodoka]: Yeah! [Asuna]: Hold it right there! [Negi]: Asuna! [Asuna]: You haven’t washed properly yet, have you? [Negi]: Uhh! [Asuna]: Sit down and I’ll scrub you ‘til you’re good and raw! [Negi]: I appreciate the offer, but I can wash myself. [Asuna]: Oh yeah? And how do you plan to clean yourself with one hand? Besides, you have the grooming habits of a monkey. You need help. [Negi]: Really, we’re fine! [Asuna]: You think you can talk your way out of this?! Suck it up, little man! Let’s get you soapy! It’s time to shine! Now get naked! [Satomi]: At a time like this, leave it to me! [Asuna]: Satomi? [Satomi]: I had a feeling this would happen. So I spent the last 2 weeks nonstop on my extra new handy dandy bathing appertatis! The “Scrubber Mark 5”! Please give him a shot! [Scrubber-kun Mark 5]: Target acquired. Cleansing commencing now. [Negi]: Help! [Asuna]: Get back here, you coward! Go scrub that sissy a new one, Mark 5! [Scrubber-kun Mark 5]: Roger, roger. [Asuna]: Wh-what are you doing?! Nooo! Jerk! You were supposed to go after Negi, not after me! [Scrubber-kun Mark 5]: Program Part 1. Massage to loosen skin. Commencing now. [Asuna]: No! That tickles! Satomi, stop this thing! Aren’t you going to help? [Satomi]: Unfortunately, the cancel button doesn’t seem to be working. [Asuna]: Oh no! [Satomi]: Perhaps I should have spent more than 2 weeks designing a piece of artificial intelligence. [Asuna]: Wahhh! --------------
<”Japanese Garden Bath”> [Chisame]: Great, this will do.. Hey, boys! How ya doin? Good to see you again! I’ve got a secret for you! <”Chi”> [Chisame]: Chiu’s actually relaxing at a spa resort! What do you think of that? [Negi]: We’re far enough away. We should be safe now. [Chisame]: Whoa! --------------
[Madoka?]: --This place is totally amazing!
[Chao]: --Anyone want a Lingshen beauty treatment? [Madoka]: Seriously? [Kakizaki]: Wow, you know how to do stuff like thatt? [Chao]: Yes! It’ll stimulate your endocrine glands and do wonders for your skin. [Sakurako]: Oo, pick me! I wanna! [Chao]: It’s my own original technique mixing Chinese-style feet sole massage with osteopathy and chiropractics. [Kakizaki]: Well, how’s it feeling? [Sakurako]: Ah, it’s awesome. [Chao]: Now, this is where it gets serious. [Sakurako]: Huh? Wait, what? No! No, ow! Yield! Uncle! [Chao]: Just work with the massage! --And relax! [Sakurako]: --It hurts! Cut it out! [Madokai]: That’s not a beauty treatment. [Kakizaki]: It’s a joint-locking technique. [Ku]: No, stop! That’s all wrong! Give her here. Do it like this and she’ll pass out in 2 seconds flat. See? [Madoka & Kakizaki]: --Why’d you do that? --Why’d you do that? --------------
[Satsuki]: The kitchen staff let me make these for us.
Fruit cocktails! Just right after a hot bath. [Fumika]: Look at them, they’re so pretty! [Fuka]: Wow, thanks a lot! [Fumika]: It’s delicious! [Fuka]: I know! So fresh and so clean! [Satsuki]: After being in the sun all day, it’s perfect for replenishing lost fluids and vitamins. [Negi]: Mine tastes great. How’s yours? [Nodoka]: Great. [Haruna]: What the heck do you think you’re doing here, Nodoka?! [Nodoka]: what?! [Haruna]: If you really want to be with Negi, you’ve got to spend some time alone with him. Now get out of here! [Nodoka]: Eh?! [Haruna]: Come on! I know the perfect place! [Nodoka]: W-Wait, Haruna! [Negi]: Wh-Where are we going? [Chamo (singing)]: Skidily bop de boo! --------------
<”Game Room”>
[Yuuna]: Ha! Ya! Take that! [Makie]: Zazie wins the match! [Yuuna]: Wah! I didn’t think I could ever lose at ping pong! [Natsumi]: Wow, you’re incredible! [Zazie]: It’s as easy as juggling. [Makie]: All right, any other opponents?! Is there a challenger here who think they can beat Zazie the Great?! [Evangeline]: She is surprisingly good, isn’t she? Chachamaru, show her how it’s done. [Chachamaru]: Yes, Master. [Makie]: Kay, let’s get it on! That’s a technical foul with a 50-yard penalty! [Evangeline]: I don’t recall seeing that in the rulebook. --------------
[Negi]: Nodoka…
[Nodoka]: Negi… [Negi]: I’m not used to this sort of thing… [Nodoka]: I know, I’m not either… [Negi]: I don’t think I can last much longer! [Nodoka]: Oh no! [Negi]: Nodoka… [Nodoka]: Ah! [Haruna]: Hm, maybe I shouldn’t have put a little kid in a sauna. Medic! [Ako]: Coming! --------------
[Nodoka]: Neg…
Well hi there! “And a good morning to you, Nodoka” So how are you doing this morning, Negi? “It looks like a nice day outside.” Oh, it’s beautiful. “I really like you a lot, so I’d like to give you a hug.” Oh, I really don’t deserve something like that… “There’s no need to be shy about it.” In that case, I guess I will take you up on your offer… [Negi]: Um, Nodoka… I’m not sleeping. [Nodoka]: Please excuse me! I’m such an idiot! Please forgive me! [Negi]: Well that’s certainly a playful side to you I never expected. [Nodoka]: Huh? Oh… <”Come on, it’s too strong Superior Soy”> --------------
[Scrubber-kun Mark 5]: Program Part 25. Cleansing of the nape of the neck. Commencing now.
[Satomi]: The program only has 6 more cycles. Just hang in there for me, Asuna. [Asuna]: Okay, whatever… --------------
[Makie]: Wait!
[Yue]: Nodoka is above all other things, a true friend, and no matter what, as long as she’s happy, I’m happy, too. Of course, I don’t have any special feelings for Negi... None whatsoever… [Ayaka]: Whoops! [Yue]: You guys! [Yue (thinking)]: I’m so stupid. What was I thinking? Nodoka… I’m sorry... [Negi]: Yue, talk to me! Are you okay? [Yue]: Yeah, I’m good. [Negi]: Your magic is running amok! We have to stop it immediately! [Nodoka]: What do we do? [Negi]: I will channel the flow of magic and see what that does. Yue, you guide your awareness. [Yue]: Okay… How do I do that? [Negi]: You have to recall the emotions you felt when you used your magic without being false to yourself. [Yue]: Without… being false…? [Negi]: Mea virga! [Yue (thinking)]: Without being false to myself… Nodoka, I’m sorry! [Misora]: I thought I was drowning for sure. [Natsumi]: Does anybody know what the heck just happened? [Kakizaki]: I don’t know. Maybe it was faulty construction. [Ayaka]: What! Whoa, are you implying that my family’s bath house is second rate? [Negi]: Looks like it’s over. [Nodoka]: Look, our thread’s going away, too. It’s gone. [Negi]: There’s nothing to worry about, Nodoka. [Nodoka]: Eh? [Negi]: Because your actual real red thread is still connected. We may not see it right now, but I’m sure it’s connected to someone somewhere in the world. [Nodoka]: Oh no, do you think so…? Pretty. [Yue]: Yeah, it is. [Negi]: You know, you don’t have to stay close to me anymore. [Nodoka]: Yeah. --------------
[Scrubber-kun Mark 5]: Program Part… Program Part 1. Massage to loosen skin. Commencing now. Repeating Program. Beginning with Program Part 1. Commencing now. [Asuna]: Nooo! |