This is Negima's 2nd TV series, but with a wholly unique story to the original manga. Despite being often referred to as "season two," this series is completely different than the first and is related in no way. The Negima Neo manga was released to promote this anime, though they do not follow the same story plot. The series changed studio hands with Shaft now in charge of the product and it is remarkably different.
Many character designs and even personalities were altered or changed drastically and the show focuses much less on ecchi aspects and more on slap comedy. While Negi is still searching for his father, the story is completely altered, old antagonists were written out, and new characters were added. It is 26 episodes, was dubbed into English, and only received one season. The Funimation localization notably made a lot of changes to the script to better make jokes for the English audience and were green-lit to dub the opening and closing songs, completely rewriting them. |