Ala Alba
If you would like to submit info on a piece of merchandise not yet listed or add details to an existing page, please use the submission box below. It may take a short time to see visible changes on the site.
A few submitting guidelines:
Please check to see if the item already has a page on our site! You can always submit fixes, but try to link existing pages!
Do not copy other people's write-ups/images. You can definitely copy'n'paste official store descriptions, but not individuals.
You do
need to fill out all the boxes below! If you aren't confident in the details, don't worry about filling it out!
Don't submit fake items. We may make an alternate database for that in the future, but we aren't accepting those right now.
Even a little info is better than no info, so even if you're contributing a couple sentence description or something like the release date, it's all appreciated and we will gladly accept it.
Try to submit at least one picture if you add a new item. If it's not possible, that's alright, it's just preferred!
If you have any other questions/concerns about submissions or the site in general, please
contact us here!
Otherwise, submit below!
Please fill out the appropriate boxes below. If the box does not apply to the merch you are submitting or you are unsure of the answer, just leave the box blank!
Indicates required field
Name / Username:
Please write down a name you would like to be credited as
Item Name:
Please write the name of the item you are submitting. If an existing item, please link the existing page below.
Link Site Page:
If you are adding content to an existing page, please link said page here. If you are submitting a new item, just leave this space blank.
Please write down the franchise the item falls under. (Eg. Mario Kart would go under Mario or Super Mario)
Item Description:
Give a brief description of the item and if possible, specify it it had a unique release (eg. pre-order bonus, con-exclusive, etc.)
Item Details:
If the item has many parts and details, please give a small summary of its properties. The more specific, the better, but any description would be favorable to none!
Item Contents:
List all items that came included with the specified item. Some merch only has a tag (eg. a shirt) while others include many components (eg. a box set)
Background Info:
If the item has unique background info, please specify. Most will not
Some items will have a very unique reception, whether good or bad. Please specify how it was received if applicable. (Eg. Skyward Sword Loftwing amiibo was seen as a rip-off)
Merch doesn't often have controversy, but it certainly can (Eg. Fallout 76's Nuka Dark Rum)
List any useful links to the item, like a website that goes into specific details, the official site link, etc. Do not list random retailers unless it's sold exclusively there
Story Synopsis:
If a game, book, etc., leave a brief synopsis on what the media is about. No need to delve into too much detail or spoilers
If you own or have owned this piece of merch, please leave a review of it. Also leave a 1-5 star rating
Alternate Names:
Items could be popularly referred to as another name or write the item name in another language (Eg. KIRBY's DREAM FACTORY レターセット)
Release Region:
(Eg. North America, Japan, Globally. etc.)
Release Date:
It can be the year of release, but you're welcome to be more specific
Retail Price:
If no recommended retail price is available, leave blank
Released By:
Who released the item?
List the company who manufactured the item if applicable
For books, music, video games, etc.
For video games, etc.
Specify the height and/or width of the item or packaging
For books, etc.
If a video game, please list the gaming system(s) you are submitting to.
Specify the form of media for merch like video games and music. (Eg. a Switch game would be cartridge, a CD would be a disc, etc.)
For video games, movies, etc. (Eg. M for ESRB)
UPC, JAN, etc.
For books
If there is something you want to specify that wasn't listed in the boxes above, please write it here!
Upload Image:
Max file size: 20MB
Upload an image of the merch. It can be one from the retailer's site or some you took personally. Feel free to submit shots that show off details and different angles. Do not use other people's photos without permission
Note: Unfortunately, at this time, only one image can be uploaded at a time. If you want to submit several images, please email us
, submit via our
Discord server
or submit another form with just the item name and pictures alone.
Thank you!