Welcome to AlaAlba.club, a fansite for the Negima/UQ Holder series!
This is a one-man project, so there's still quite a lot of work to be done, but we hope it has something to offer in terms of info or amusement.
Below is some info I hope you will find useful!
What is the purpose of this site?
The main goal of this site is to make a place for fans of the series to find info, news, fanworks, and communicate with other fans. As I said before, this is a site devoted to Negima and UQ Holder, along with other interesting news regarding the series or the author, Ken Akamatsu. The home page will be updated with fanworks and news about the series. I post news and site updates regularly on both Reddit (r/alaalba) and on Twitter (/alaalbaww). Discord is a place where many different communities of the series chat and I hope becomes a lively place for fans to socialize.. I continue to put work into the site, in both content and design, so it's bound to change over time.
What kind of info will there be about the series?
Well, I'm hoping to fill these pages with as much about the beloved series as possible. This includes plot analysis of chapters & episodes, thorough character info, script dumps, music, images, news, merchandise, etc. Pretty much everything you can imagine, I'd like to eventually get on here. My main goal is to make this the go-to place for all things regarding both series and provide the fans with anything and everything they could possibly need.
What can I submit as fanworks? How do I do so?
You can pretty much submit whatever you'd like! Fanart, fanfics, animations, videos, theories, etc. Whatever you yourself creates that meets the guidelines, you can definitely submit! You can read more about it and where to submit here.
What does it mean to be part of the affiliate program?
We are apart of both Amazon's and CDJapan's affiliate programs. This means if you click on the links we have on our site and shop through their stores, whether you buy the linked item or not, any items you buy in that session, we receive a small commission from. We collect the money from these commissions and add it straight to our site's funding, which you can find on the donation page linked above. All in all, we use the money collected for site purposes only, not for all our own personal one's.
If you would feel so inclined, please consider using our links! It helps us out a lot!
Is there a way I can get involved or help out?
Yes there is!
As I mentioned before, it's been a slow process, considering I am the only one working on the site at this time, If anyone wants to lend a hand and help out, you're more than welcome! I could always use help writing up descriptions, gathering materials, etc. I also would eventually love to get some people who know how to code and could make the site spiffier and such. Mainly, if you're a fan of the series and want to help out, I would welcome the help.
A couple of things we need are:
Staff members for social media
Someone to help translate
Pictures, info, videos of merchandise & other things in the series
Scans of manga covers and merchandise would be a big help
Most importantly, if you'd really like to help us out, please spread the word!
For now, we can certainly offer name recognition and are in the process of making badges for site profiles to acknowledge accomplishments users have done. Hopefully we can announce those soon!
If you have questions about what you can do or anything like that, fill out the box below!
Special Thanks!
There have been those who have helped us along our way and we are incredibly thankful to those individuals! We currently want to take the time to thank those who have helped contribute to the site, one way or another!