Negiho: Negima Little Girls was released in Japan on November 17, 2011 by Kodansha for ¥438. This was written by the author, YUI, and is a one-off release of a short spin-off series where the roles are reversed and Negi is a teenage teacher and his students are in preschool. There are many differences between this and the original series.
麻帆良学園都市にある『まほら幼稚園』のねぎま組には個性的で可愛い女の子達がいっぱい。そこへ赴任してきた新任のネギ先生に、組いちばんの元気娘・あすなが恋しちゃったため大騒動が巻き起こる! 『ネギま!』のヒロイン達が幼稚園児になって大暴れするプリスクール・スピンオフ!
-- Kodansha