Negima!? Neo Vol. 2 (Limited Edition) was released in Japan on July 17, 2007, by Kodansha. This book was a spin-off series of the original manga and was released under the supervision of Studio SHAFT for their's Negima!? anime series.
Item Details:
Volume 2 of the 7-volume series focusing on Negi, a boy wizard who is tasked with teaching a class of junior-high girls all while searching for clues to lead to his missing father. This is a spin-off series of the original manga and is essentially, a retelling. This is the first volume to have a limited edition release. The slip-cover is slightly different than the standard release; the cover features the character's in different attire, now wearing swimwear. The manga itself has no changes. (**Need more details about contents) Chapters:
Story Synopsis:
TVアニメ「ネギま!?」のコミック、「ネギま!? neo」第2巻がいよいよ発売! クラスメイトたちとも仲良くなり、魔法使いの修業が順調に進んでいたネギに、怪しい影が忍び寄る! 大人気の近衛木乃香&桜咲刹那のエピソードや、アーニャ来日編など超充実の内容でお届けしま~す!! Item Contents: