Negima!? Neo Volume 5 was released in Japan on December 17, 2008, by Kodansha. This book was a spin-off series of the original manga and was released under the supervision of Studio SHAFT for their's Negima!? anime series.
Item Details:
Volume 5 of the 7-volume series focusing on Negi, a boy wizard who is tasked with teaching a class of junior-high girls all while searching for clues to lead to his missing father. This is a spin-off series of the original manga and is essentially, a retelling. This is another volume to have a limited edition release, though this is the standard issue. The volume includes a colored sleeve around the book itself. Chapters:
Story Synopsis:
中間テストも何とか終わり、3ーA生徒たちとネギは、雪広財閥所有のリゾート島へ遊びに行くことに!! これを機会に仲良くなろうと、ネギはみんなからひっぱりだこ♪ みんなのラブラブモードに気付いたハルナは、とある作戦を思いつく! それに踊らされるいいんちょや、のどか達は大変なことに巻き込まれ‥‥!! Item Contents: