The Negima! OAD Blu-Ray Box was released in Japan on February 6, 2013 by King Records. This box contains all the anime OAD series that were originally released in DVD format in select limited editions of the manga. In addition to the anime series, it also contains various extras.
Item Details:
This was the first and only release of the OAD series in Blu-Ray format for around 4 years, which was followed up by a release of not only the OAD series, but both TV series in 2017. However, there are a number of things this release saw the future one did not, including re-releases of several drama CD's and the release of the film's soundtrack. The box set is divided into three sections: one including the Ala Alba series, the Another World series, and the Negima! Anime FINAL film. Each series is given its own unique digipak, which includes both the Blu-Ray disc of the animated series and another CD containing related media. The Ala Alba digipak included tracks of chapters voiced by their respective voice actresses that never made it to animation. This CD is a re-release of the content included in the Mahou Sensei Negima! Shiroki Tsubasa Ala Alba Drama CD. The Another World digipak contains a re-release of the Farewell my Lovely Ala Ruba CD, which was originally included in the manga's limited edition of volume 29. Lastly, the Negima! Anime FINAL digipak something original to this release: the film's original soundtrack. This OST has yet to be re-released outside of this release. Besides that, a booklet of various info about the series was also included. It contained screenshots and story synopsis of each of the episodes and film. It also featured character concept art for the film, staff info, and other related info. Tracks: Disc 1:
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