Negi is busy reading through a book, and can be assumed to be studying a magic spell. He's interrupted by Asuna, who snatches the book from his hand, worried about the young boy being awake at the late hour and demanding he goes to bed. Bothered by this, Negi lashes out at her, saying "It's none of your business!" Appalled that he could possibly say that to her, Asuna stands firm and refuses to give the book back. Negi whines for a minute, but the tension is interrupted by one of Negi's infamous stripping sneezes.
Sometime later, Ayaka is trying to comfort Negi, worried about his depressed state. She attempts to get the truth of his woe out of him, but its to no avail. They're interrupted by the Narutaki twins, followed by Makie. The entire class is revealed to be riding on Ayaka's personal plane, intruding on her personal trip with their teacher after Kazumi spilled the beans about it. Negi looks back at Asuna with hopeful eyes, but she immediately turns her head, still offended by Negi's statement from before. Finally, the plane is above their desired destination, so the class sky-dives to the island below
The girls of the class begin to split off and do their own things. The library trio is at work building sand castles while several others toss around a flying disc toy. Ayaka shows her teacher her very revealing swimsuit in hopes to raise his spirit. Asuna, still peeved, blows up numerous beach balls to release her anger. Konoka sneaks up on her, playfully touching Asuna's skin with the glass of a cold beverage. Asuna is a bit flustered at this, but Konoka just wants to know why her friend is in such a bad mood. Meanwhile, Setsuna seems quite flustered at the sight of Konoka is a swimsuit.
Ayaka drags Negi to join the other girls who are playing catch, but Chizuru throws it at Negi, who is distracted by his fight with Asuna, and the toy ends up smacking the child in the face and knocks him in the water.