Touta continues on his journey with Yukihime, singing a joyful tune as their new companion lags behind. He calls out to Kuromaru to walk beside him, seeing as they're buds, but Kuromaru tries to refuse, still torn between this whole idea, seeing as he's an immortal hunter and the other two are immortals. However, Touta pulls out his secret weapon: a handmade "Best Friends" contract, sealed by both Touta and Kuromaru, binding them for life. Kuromaru desperately tries to snatch the piece of paper, but it's to no avail.
Yukihime comments she wasn't expecting new companions on this journey and Touta brings up the fact that she had previously said he wouldn't be able to have friends, not to her amusement. Kuromaru mutters to himself and she can see his sad situation, so she informs him since he is now a friend of her disciple, she no longer has any intent to kill him and if he finds it hard to stay with them, he is free to leave. Touta calls Yukihime out for her comment, but Kuromaru reveals he now has nowhere to go, as he failed his mission and in that case, he was told to just die somewhere. Touta is upset by this news and Yukihime understands the situation and informs Kuromaru that he can no longer complete his mission and though he can't return home, he shouldn't waste his life. She then asks if he'd like to become her disciple, seeing how he'll need all the help he can get if he ever hopes for a chance of beating her. Touta is absolutely ecstatic about this idea and remarks that training may not be so boring with his bud there. Kuromaru stares at the two with disbelief, baffled by these people.
They come across a town with a popular attraction of a hot springs. Yukihime decides they will stay at an inn and mentions the two boys should make use of the spring and spent quality time together, much to Touta's delight and Kuromaru's dismay. She tells Kuromaru that he may find an answer to his troubles by talking to her air-head apprentice, Touta, but as he insists that's not his it, Touta drags his new friend into the hot springs. Touta sits in the springs and comments on how surprisingly empty it is. Kuromaru walks out and holds a towel over his chest and waist, much like a female would to cover up. Touta remarks about it and Kuromaru insists it's just because bathing with others is not customary where he's from, which surprises Touta, seeing how his friend appears to have a Japanese origin. He also asks if his friend's a girl once more, which only results in getting a wash tub thrown at his face.
As they bathe, Kuromaru comments on how he hasn't felt this calm in a long time. Touta uses this to ask about his buddy's clan, mentioning how it's not normal for there to be such strict rules and if there's even a need to return to a place like that. Extending his hand, Touta once again invites Kuromaru to join them instead, seeing how they're all immortals anyway. Kuromaru is touched by this and moves to clasp Touta's outstretched hand, but ultimately decides against it, overcome with his own personal struggles. Seeing his depressed state, Touta decides to do something to cheer him up and announces that they're going to peek in on Yukihime in the woman's bath at the top of a nearby cliff, explaining it's normal to do so when two guys are together.
Kuromaru mentions that Yukihime offered to make him her disciple, but he questions whether the woman is really Evangeline or not, seeing how she's one of the most feared and strongest in the entire world. Touta agrees that though she's tough, she doesn't really give the vibe of being that strong. From the top of the cliff, Yukihime hears the boys and seeing how they doubt her true strength, she challenges them to strip the towel from her bare body. Of course, Touta shows the opposite enthusiasm than Kuromaru and immediately starts scaling the cliff and when he attempts to touch the towel, she blows him away with her ice magic. She then shows the boys how she is not limited in this magic and summons an army of ice spears and plummets them down on her disciples.
Seeing Touta succumbing to her attack and falling from the cliff, Kuromaru quickly scales the rocky side and manages to catch Touta. Of course, Konoe comments how that's just like a friend to save him, but flustered Kuromaru insists it was just because he was bound my contract, but realizes he didn't have to save Touta as he was immortal. They work together and Kuromaru uses his strength and tosses Touta directly at her. Through the dust and chaos, Yukihime did not see Touta coming toward her until it was too late and he had managed to successfully strip her.