Kuromaru's seal shatters and Nodoka uses her Comptina Daemonia to find out his name. Though he realizes that she's now able to read his thoughts, Kuromaru still tries to fend off the duo, but soon discovers they're also quite skilled in combat. With Nodoka and Yue sharing perception, their tactics prove too much and Kuromaru falls
Meanwhile, Karin gets berated under Jack's continuous punches. Even though his immese power, she feels she'll never be able to reach Touta or Yukihime's level if she gives in. She manages to land a hit and slice through Jack's arm, cutting it clean off, but it heals almost instantly. Revealing he's finally going to get serious, he punches Karin with extreme force and it sends her flying at an alarming speed toward a distant skyscraper. Knowing the damage and potential harm the impact would cause to those inside, she quickly casts a net in midair to soften the impact and she successfully lands on the building gently. Unfortunately, Jack is right behind her and unleashes another powerful blow, sending her right through the building. It collapses around them.
While the UQ Holder members are out of commission, the former heroes are unscratched. Negi summons another lightning spear and tries to hurl it at Touta's head, but Kirie steps in his path. She knows they're aware of her ability and though she is psychically weak and could die by a simple brush of their finger, she is still willing to do what she can to protect Touta. Negi bends down to Kirie's eye level and smiles, and says he's happy how much she loves Touta. Nodoka confirms it with her artifact and Ala Ruba members laugh about it lightheartedly. Taken back by this sudden reaction and the truth of her feelings being put onto the table, she confesses to Touta that she does indeed love him.