Setsuna isn't able to see after something that happened long ago. Still living in Kyoto, she rejects all doctors trying to fix her eyesight. But with a help of a certain someone, will she be able to change her mind? AU and OC! Konosetsu!
Chapter 4: Back to Normal and the Contract Explanation
Konoka's P.O.V.
"Se…Setsuna…san…?" I said nervously.
She just continued to look at me then she put me down. I stumbled a bit backwards but she just stood in the same place as she landed.
"Setsuna…san…?" I said again.
She still didn't say anything. Few seconds passed, then minutes and she continues to stare.
I moved up to her nervously and she does the same. After a few moments, she suddenly raises her hand in the air and I moved back as she threw it down, barely grazing my left arm. She was trying to hurt me! I ran as fast as I could, it didn't matter where I went, but as long as it was away from her.
"Someone help me!" I shouted.
Setsuna-san appeared in front of me and I turned to run the other way but she grabbed me by my arms. I closed my eyes, waiting for my end to come, then a familiar voice made me open my eyes again.
"Jou-chan?" Fate-kun walked towards us with a surprised look.
"Fa-Fate-kun!" I said happily.
"Great, the damn birdbrain transformed again." he scratched his head angrily, "I can't believe it even after I warned her."
"Ar-Aren't you suppose to help me?! S-She's gonna kill me!" I said worriedly, Setsuna-san released me.
"There's not much that I can do anyways..." I saw Setsuna-san appear behind him.
"Look ou-"
Fate-kun already grabbed her by the arm, "Let me finish...wait a sec...she transformed on her own…" he looked at me, "What happened?"
"S-Some demons attacked us and one kidnapped me then Setsuna-san became like that."
"Are you serious?" he said almost laughing.
"W-Why are you laughing?"
He hit Setsuna-san on the head and pushed her towards me, "To get her back to normal…you have to kiss 'er."
I blushed. I never kissed anyone before and I just met Setsuna-san…
"So you don't want her back to normal?" he looked at me with a scary face.
I slowly nodded my head and nervously and walked up to Setsuna-san. As I neared her, I could've sworn that Fate-kun was smirking. I closed my eyes as I wrapped my arms around Setsuna-san's neck and I felt her arms around my waist, pulling me closer. I leaned in feeling her warm breath on my lips.
"Setsuna-san…" I murmured, pressing my lips on hers.
"Contract is sealed!" I heard Fate-kun shouted.
Setsuna's P.O.V.
I was unconsciously moving my body towards Konoe-san and 'saw' her walking up to me. Wait…something wasn't right. Isn't she afraid of me in this form? Her small, fragile arms wrapped around themselves around my neck as I wrapped my arms around her waist. Another thing that wasn't right, why was I moving this way? When I finally gained control over my body, I felt Konoe-san's soft lips on mines.
"Contract is sealed!" Nakashima shouted.
Konoe-san pulled back as I had a surprised look on my face. The pain from my scar returned and I placed my hand to cover it and tried to ease the pain away.
"Ow…Nakashima! Don't tell me…" I growled, hoping what he said earlier wasn't true and what both he and I know…
"I sure did! Good luck 'caused you two are engaged!"
"YOU DAMN BASTARD! I'LL KILL YOU!" I shouted running after him.
Was he doing it on purpose? I could sense his presence now.
"I think that I deserved to be thanked! You transformed on your own even after I told you not to! Besides! You really like her and don't even want to admit it!"
I blushed. In a way, what he said was true, but I just like her as a friend.
"What does that have to do with the contract?!"
"Aww, poor Sakurazaki. Ya know that Jou-chan's the only one besides me and you-know-who that went near you when you're transformed!" he laughed.
"That's still no reason to make me get a contract with her!" I growled the blush on my face wasn't helping me when I had my 'I'm-gonna-kill-you' look.
"I still think that I should be thanked! You could never sense me, but you can now can't you?"
I stopped. What he said was right. But then again he could be allowing me to sense him.
"How do I know you're not lying?"
He avoided my question and moved towards Konoe-san.
Konoka's P.O.V
"Hey Jou-chan, I'm guessin' you're wonderin' 'bout that 'contract' right?" Fate-kun said casually as he walked up to me.
"Yeah…what is it and why's Setsuna-san so mad about it?"
"The 'contract' is something that half-breeds, like Sakurazaki, has with humans, in this case you, in order to completely serve them. In other words, she's completely loyal to you and only you." He scratched his head sheepishly, "And Sakurazaki's mad because the contract limits her powers and people that have the contract are basically married."
"Usually…but not all the time though. But with both you and Sakurazaki…it might happen." he grinned.
"Wha-What does that mean?!" I blushed.
"Don't try to hide it, both of you like each other right?"
I blushed, did I really like Setsuna-san in that way?
"Whether you like her or not, it's your own choice. The same goes with her too." he shoved his hands in his pockets, "I would be careful on how much she'll ask you for an 'approval'. Ask for more than once a day, you're in trouble; if not then you're good. Good luck." he disappeared.
I looked at Setsuna-san for more explanation but she looked away from me that second I looked at her.
"S-Setsuna-san…what did he mean by 'approval'?"
She finally turned towards me, "Don't worry about that. I'll never ask you for that."
Setsuna's P.O.V.
I mentally kicked myself after I realized what I just said.
"Oh…I see…" she sounded hurt.
"N-No! I didn't mean it like that!" I said, trying to make her feel better, "It's just…" I scratched my head sheepishly and blushed, "…just that I didn't want you to get hurt because of me…"
"I'll be the judge of that, now please tell me what the 'approval' is?"
"…Whenever I ask for a magic spell or something like that, all you have to do is say 'I approve'..."
"That's it? Why're you so worried? That doesn't sound like it can kill me, let alone hurt me." she walked over to me.
"That's not all!" I didn't know what came over me, but for some reason I lost my cool, "…every time I ask for that, it costs you your magic powers. The more I ask you, the more magic powers I take from you. In other words, you'll die when you're with me if I'm fighting a really tough enemy."
"That's still not enough to convince me Setsuna-san." I felt her arms wrap themselves around my left arm, "Or is it…that you want to cancel our 'contract'?"
I was shocked, I did want to cancel our 'contract' for her safety, but then again I didn't mostly because the 'contract' can increase my powers and I can protect her better.
"Setsuna-san if you really wanted to cancel our 'contract' how can you do it?" I felt her shaking.
"I…I'm not going to tell you." I put my right hand on her shoulder, "Ask me again if you wanted to cancel our 'contract'. If you don't, then don't ask me again."
Konoe-san moved again and I felt her lips on my cheek, causing me to blush, "W-Wha…?!"
"I just felt like doing that, besides you're cute when you blush."
I heard her laughing as we ran back to her house; there I didn't expect someone that I thought that we would meet again…