Alternate storyline that starts during the Kyoto fieldtrip. While Negi and Asuna are away, someone challenges Haruna to the card videogame...ParuOC POSSIBLE SPOILERS! Character piece. First of its kind, I guess, and a bit experimental.
First of all, just call me Paru. Jeez, you're making me feel old! And you're supposed to be older than me by three years!
It's nice to hear from you...actually, I was about to write to the first address you gave. Good thing that your letter got here first; it would have been a waste of time and effort, of blood, sweat and tears, if I'd have to write for nothing.
England, huh? Actually, we've got a teacher from there, Negi Springfield-sensei. He's from Wales, actually, but it's pretty close, I guess. And he's a child prodigy! Teaching us English when he's ten years old! Cool huh? Classes have been more fun since he began teaching us during the final few weeks of our second year.
I have to admit I'm curious about what you're up to, but I guess it isn't my place to pry. Just, well, be safe okay? You sound like you're in something kind of serious, and I'm just a bit concerned, that's all.
The manga was super! It gave me lots of ideas for my own manga (yup, I'm writing one, hehe), and I really, really, REALLY enjoyed it, and that's an understatement. You probably might not have liked it as much, so it's a good thing you decided to give it. Oh, thanks very much for that...I haven't been able to thank you since then. So...thanks!
By the way, how did you know my friends were peering at your letter from behind my shoulder when I was reading it? (Sorry, did I make sense there? You get what I mean...)
Anyway, never mind. It was probably a lucky guess.
It's almost one in the morning. I probably should get some sleep. I'm totally drained! All the other girls were ranting on about how you were a prince and all. Oh, don't mind classmates are all idiots. Haha...
We're all doing great. I'm gonna turn in now...good night.
Yours truly,
Paru (get it?! P-A-R-U! Not Haruna-san! I've crossed out the one in your name too so you'll get the point...of course, if that'd be okay for you. I don't mean to sound rude.)
Leaving the dormitory early to mail the letter she wrote the previous night, Haruna later found herself running to avoid being late for class all the same. She spent almost thirty minutes just standing beside the mailbox, trying to decide whether to actually send the letter or not. In the end, she dropped the envelope inside and quickly rushed off...another moment and she might have fished it out again.
The classroom was as raucous as ever when she arrived. As if on cue, more than a few heads turned her way as she tried to slink to her seat.
"Ohohohoho!" One of those was the class representative. "Haruna-san, I congratulate you on your finding a nice fiancé, and a prince at that!" Ayaka Yukihiro's delighted laugh could be heard across the room.
"Rep! What are you-?" Haruna began, but before she could utter more, the whole class bombarded her once more with shrieks and shouts from all angles.
Soon, Negi arrived. With him was the guidance counselor Nitta, who apparently heard the noise all the way from the other side of the building, and began lecturing the class on good behavior and decorum. The admonishment took no less than fifteen minutes; but when he finally left, the class reverted back to the usual 3-A, if a little toned down.
'This is getting really bothersome...' Haruna thought, irritated, as she was once more made the center of attention during homeroom period. Even Negi looked amused, though a somewhat thoughtful look crossed his face for a second when Jai and London were mentioned. He didn't say anything about it, though, and it was soon lost and forgotten amidst the chaos of the class.
The end of the day was a very welcome reprieve for the exhausted Haruna. She was practically dragging herself to the rooms while Nodoka and Yue strolled alongside her. "'d think the whole world revolves around me and my business!" she groaned.
"You know, this wouldn't have happened if you didn't make that crazy bet in the first place," Yue pointed out, "though it is very amusing all the same."
"Ah shaddup!" Haruna retorted. She knew the whole thing was her own doing, but regret was the last thing she felt, even though she might not admit it out loud.
"You're pretty nosey, not to mention merciless, when it comes to other people's business..." Yue shrugged.
"Well, maybe they'll all get tired of it after a while and forget about it, huh Paru? Just hang in there," Nodoka offered.
Haruna gave her a wry look, but then patted her shoulder. "Ah, Nodoka, Nodoka. You really are a naïve little girl...but thanks anyway. For that I'll personally make sure you and Negi-sensei do get together in the end."
The librarian blushed all the way up to her ears. "W-wha, we-well...uh, uh, t-thanks?" she mumbled, looking at the floor.
Haruna continued in a whisper, leaning close to Yue. "And don't think I missed that my-heart-skipped-a-beat look on your face just now, Yue."
The shorter girl gave a start. "WHAT THE HELL...?!"
It was enough to jolt Nodoka back to reality. "H-huh? Something wrong, Yue?"
", nothing..."
3-A forgot all about Haruna's 'engagement' the very next day, true to Nodoka's prediction, and much to Haruna's relief. The week passed without any reference to it at all, even from Yue and Nodoka, it seemed to be a secret from everyone.
And what an eventual week it was: classes were the usual, along with all the mischief and trouble that 3-A was notorious for; Negi was somewhat depressed, even with his discovery of a map of Mahora that he had wanted the Library Club to analyze, so a weekend beach trip was sponsored by Ayaka to boost morale. Haruna wrote as much in one more letter to Jai at the end of the week.
At the end, she added:
I do wish you could give me some other way to get in touch, like a phone number or email address; I'm a little worried about how you might be doing...I know I said I wouldn't pry, but it just gets to me sometimes. I am your girlfriend after all...
Oh well, here I am, sounding like some lovesick ninny. I'll stop now before I embarrass myself any more.