Rated: T Description:A mystery amnesiac girl suddenly arrives in Mahora, just in time to encounter Negi Springfield, a boy with a ridiculous destiny. Can she evade getting caught up in the coming events? Who is she even? Questions, but no clear answers in sight. Wonderful.
"Oh you have got to be-!" Evangeline shouted, heavily aggravated. "Why would you agree to that?!"
She shook the girl lying in the bed, who held onto her chest while laughing.
"W-well, you walked r-right into that one, and I would be remiss not having such an a-adorable elder sister." The girl who had taken the name Katarina replied, failing miserably at holding back her laughter.
"I am not adorable!" The smaller girl shrieked, flailing her arms angrily. "Who would even want an adorable older sister!? Shouldn't it be an adorable younger sister?!"
Behind her the headmaster chuckled slightly, while Takamichi smiled appreciatively and Shizuna's features were graced by a serene smile.
"Well, I don't mind…" Katarina replied with a wide grin that quickly turned into a mischievous smirk. "Unless of course you would-"
"Absolutely not! I would rather meet Dana again than have someone treat me like their younger sister!" The blonde loli proclaimed loudly.
This prompted a variety of looks, ranging from confused to bewildered, but Katarina tilted her head, as if in recognition, but it went unnoticed by all except Chachamaru, since they were busy looking at Evangeline, or in the case of said person, looking away in a huff.
"Well, if we are all in accord on our cover story, then maybe we could move on to other business." Takamichi finally decided to interject.
Evangeline looked a bit upset still, but even so she agreed.
"Fine. I'll do it then. But don't blame me when this doesn't work out!" She declared.
"Good." The headmaster said happily. "Now, in order to grasp in what class to put you, we will need to test you. Is that agreeable?"
"Of course, headmaster. I wouldn't expect any less from any proper school." The amnesiac girl responded seriously.
"Very well, Shizuna-kun, you help her get dressed and ready." The old man said. "Evangeline-kun, if I could trouble you to go ahead with Chachamaru and prepare to house Katarina-kun, Takamichi-kun and I will prepare the test."
"Fine." Evangeline muttered. "Come on Chachamaru, let's go." She gestured for the gynoid, who until then had remained silent, to follow as she left.
The robot girl gave a short bow as she followed her mistress.
After that the headmaster and teacher left, leaving the girl alone with the counsellor.
"Headmaster, the uniform you lent her…" Takamichi started. "You intend to put her in my class, don't you?"
"Perhaps, but only as long as her results show that she is properly on a suitable level academically." The elderly man replied, his facial hair hiding his expression.
The younger man looked at the elder sceptically.
"You're going to do this no matter what, aren't you?" He said worriedly.
His only response was laughter. -Break--
Putting the clothes on had been relatively simple, it was nothing overly complicated, and they fit quite well, surprisingly enough.
Her glasses (presumably, she couldn't quite remember, but they were currently the only thing that she actually felt a connection to) were fine, although for some reason they were a bit too large in the frame.
The design was simple, with smaller, rectangular glass-pieces, that were of odd thickness. One was thicker than the other, and in the back of her mind the numbers 4 and 11 were present.
Putting them on was familiar, and her vision straightened out, causing her to realise just how much worse her eye-sight was without them.
But when she tried to walk she found herself stumbling several times, miscalculating distances and taking missteps several times, even failing to prevent her falls several times.
Shizuna-sensei had taken it as disorientation and dismissed it, but it still felt uncomfortable to Katarina.
But after a while she managed to overcome it, and soon she could walk just fine, almost.
She still occasionally fell over for no apparent reason, much to her chagrin.
And after a short walk, they managed to make their way over to a faculty office, where Takamichi awaited them.
After that he took over, and lead her inside the office, which he explained was where she could find him, where a number of written tests awaited her.
All in all, she felt pretty calm as she sat down before the papers. She glanced over them, and found a problem…
She could certainly speak Japanese to a surprisingly high degree… but that didn't mean her ability to read it was equally good…
Luckily, a good number of the test were easy enough to understand anyway, but she did have to embarrassedly explain her predicament anyway, as sometimes she simply couldn't read part of the questions.
Thankfully he did explain what it meant in some cases, and she found that after a while the problem lessened, mostly only showing up on the Japanese test (who'd have thought).
Other than that, she found the math to be simple, although she did seem a little bit rusty, as she couldn't always immediately remember how to do certain things, but for some reason even then it came to her after a while…
So she could remember math, but she couldn't remember her own name?
Physics, chemistry and biology was the same, English was a breeze, and Latin- wait, why were they testing her on Latin? Part of her seemed to have an inkling why, but once again said part refused to put forward anything useful, and she simply shrugged and continued, although she did of course question Takamichi about it, but he gave a vague answer about them having such courses, and that it must have been included by mistake.
Even so she tried her hand at it, kind of enjoying herself, and she found that while her knowledge of Latin wasn't extensive, she did know it on a level that told her she had formal education in it, which surprised her quite a bit, and caused a raised eyebrow from the bespectacled teacher.
Then… then she reached classic literature… and well…
She tried. She even managed to answer some of the questions correctly, which showed she knew something about the subject but…
Yeah, no. She had never studied in Japan before, that much she was certain about.
Ultimately, she left the teacher staring at her results with wonder.
"Well, your written Japanese seems to need some work… other than that…" The scruffy-looking man shook his head slightly. "Let's just say you're perfectly fine and leave it at that."
With those vague words she was allowed to go, where she found Chachamaru waiting for her.
"Mistress instructed me to come pick you up. I hope your tests went well?" The gynoid asked emotionlessly with another small bow.
She returned the gesture, eliciting some flicker of surprise in the lime-haired girl.
"I think it went well, but… Takamichi-sensei's reaction was a bit… odd. So I'm not so sure anymore…" The blonde girl responded uncertainly.
"Worry not, Katarina-san. I am certain you did well." The doll-like (literally) girl replied.
"Thank you Chachamaru-san."
They left the school-building together, and Katarina noted that the weather was fine, actually, it was pretty warm, even if it was apparently approaching winter already.
"It's pretty warm here." She stated in wonder.
"I suppose it might be so, I wouldn't know myself, although I know my classmates think that it's getting cold."
"Oh, yeah. Gynoid. You wouldn't know. I guess I'm just from a colder clime…" She trailed off.
"Is that so? Do you have any inclination as to where you are from?" Chachamaru queried.
"Not Japan, um…" Katarina made an effort to find her native language.
After a while of musing, during which they continued walking, entering a forest, she finally arrived at one language that she knew to such a degree of fluency despite being such an odd choice, that it might just have been her native tongue. Swedish.
But even so she had to wonder. She spent a lot of time thinking in English, which would be somewhat odd if it wasn't her native tongue, but she found it incredibly easy to switch to Swedish as well… not that it said much when she could switch to Japanese just as easily in her mind and she's certain that isn't it.
"I might just be from somewhere in Sweden but…" She couldn't remember the details, but thinking about it made her remember details and aspects of the country.
"Really?" The robot girl asked, then for a few moments seemed to search for something. "Then what is the capital of Sweden?" She then suddenly queried.
"Hmm? Stockholm. Its largest city located on the eastern coast. And considering that I feel a certain level of distaste for it, I don't think I'm from there." The blonde replied.
"Or perhaps you dislike it because it is your hometown?"
"No, I don't feel any connection to it. I can feel a connection to Sweden, but not that city."
"Interesting. May I inquire about what the word for 'married' is in Swedish then?"
"'Gift', which amusingly enough also means 'poison'. I guess that was what you were after, no?"
"I cannot deny it. We have arrived." Chachamaru pointed ahead of us.
There, on the other side of a small river, lay a small house, built out of logs, with a nice little balcony on the upper floor and a decent porch.
It almost looked more like someone's summer home than a place you would expect a schoolgirl to live in while attending school.
"So this is where Evangeline lives?" Katarina questioned her escort. "I honestly expected a dormitory, not… that."
"Indeed, Mahora academy has a dormitory, but Mistress is… special, and lives out here in this building. Incidentally, I also live here."
"Of course, I should have expected that at least."
As they crossed the bridge, a nice solid one made of stone, they were greeted by an irate Evangeline.
"Finally, I almost thought you'd gotten lost or something." She said with a huff. "Come on, you're wasting my time."
As they entered the newcomer noted how fancy it was inside as well, with fine furniture and draperies. She also noted that a number of dolls populated the living room.
She could also glimpse a kitchen, and there was a stairway leading to an upper floor, as well as one leading down.
Evangeline sat down on the sofa with crossed arms, and looked at her with annoyed eyes.
"Well, welcome. Now, since there's only one bed-" She then started.
"Mistress, we have futons." Chachamaru stated.
"Wait, we have? Why didn't you say so when we were planning?!" The small girl exclaimed.
"You didn't give me a chance." The gynoid simply returned.
It looked like the diminutive blonde wanted to retort, but found no words.
Suddenly the robot girl turned towards Katarina.
"I was distracted by our conversation about your place of origin, so I didn't ask earlier but…" She began, a certain seriousness that wasn't there before in her voice. "You correctly identified me as a gynoid, something which isn't public knowledge. How?"
The question caused Evangeline to lean forward, her eyes on the other blonde.
Suddenly she felt very uncomfortable, and suddenly a part of her mind was very nervous indeed.
"I-I… don't really know but… gynoids are pretty common in Japanese media, right? And the word does come up every now and then, although not always…" She said hesitantly and uncertainly, she didn't really know how either. "And you are pretty obviously a robot of some kind so… That's just what came to mind I guess…"
She laughed nervously.
"Hmm… Good enough I think. She's not wrong, but if so surprisingly knowledgeable about Japanese media. Primarily Video Games, Manga and Anime." There was a worrisome grin on Evangeline's face, one that had no place on someone that looked like a ten-year old girl from… France?
Her last name sounds Scottish, so why France? Actually, wait. Evangeline doesn't seem Scottish though… A. K... Athanasia Kitty… Katherine? Kitty?
Wait… how do I even know that!?
Also, yes, neither of that sounds Scottish either. Where is she from?
For now… let's not mention this…
"I-I guess I might be somewhat overly familiar with such things…" She instead responded while continuing her nervous laugh.
"Well, isn't that good." The little mistress said with a wicked smile.
The she sized her up, in a way that made a shiver go up her spine.
The smile didn't help either.
"Actually, if you're going to live here, I might as well have some use for you."
The amnesiac suddenly had an odd sense of foreboding as the girl she would live with disappeared to look for something, muttering about size and matching.