Negima! through the eyes of Setsuna. Story based on the manga, Setsuna is now unceremoniously shoved into the spotlight in Negi's place. Just thought to develop her character in tribute to her awesomeness. Rated T for mild language, but may change much, much later. First fan fic- chapters will be updated regularly. KonoSetsu inevitable.
The sun shone through the window and flooded the small room with light. Birds were chirping outside, and flowing petals fell gently through the wind- the sight was peaceful, serene and just plain perfect. It was the type of scene that would make even the grumpiest non-morning people smile at the day that was to unfold before them. The occupant would have been given a nice energy boost to tip off the day- if she were around, that is.
It's been 3 hours since Sakurazaki Setsuna, said occupant, had gotten up and into her training garments, consisting of a black pair of track pants she wore over her black boy shorts, a tight fitting black sleeveless shirt, topped off by a velvet-maroon hooded jacket with "MAHORA" printed in big, bold letters in front. She had a long something strapped carefully to her back- that something was a sword in its sheath, a nodachi of the name Yuunagi, to be exact, covered by a dark cloth.
3 hours ago she would have been seen with her hood over her head, her white running shoes bounding along the many pathways that went around the campus, the only indication of her presence some well-timed, steady breaths that were almost as silent as the wind. She cleared an hour hardly breaking a sweat, until she found herself in a very secluded corner of the campus.
Using her only break from her hour-long run, she carefully brought down her hood and took in a deep breath. She reached behind her and carefully untied Yuunagi from her back, and slowly brought the nodachi out in all its magnificence. As her hand gripped its handle, she gave a small, appreciative smile as she felt the familiarity of its presence. She and Yuunagi were one, both sword and master holding incredible power honed through discipline, training, experience and pain. And slowly, everyday, the power yet increased bit by bit.
Another hour went swiftly by as Setsuna ducked, weaved, stroked and stabbed, doing all those as gracefully as humanly and demonly possible. Anyone with a good sense of their surroundings would have noticed all was silent, and noises that were once present now ceased, as if the creatures of the forest themselves paused to watch.
Yuunagi was soon sheathed and the young swordsman was seated on the grass breathing slowly in and out, eyes closed and body completely relaxed. The blue, tamed power flowed throughout her body seemed immeasurable, endless, and would have sent not a few lowly demons running with their tails between their legs. But despite her seemingly iron grip on her power, a few small stabs of untamed red seemed to mix with the blue, and together they made the girl seem even more fearsome. She was a warrior with a tamed yet immense aura, still having small slivers of uncontrollable power, just itching to destroy anything and everything in her path. Setsuna didn't see it quite in that light, though, as a small bout of irritation flashed across her features before she stood up, grabbed her nodachi and ran all the way to her room without breaking stride. It was only a few minutes after she left when the noises of the forest resumed, and the majesty and aura she left behind began to fade slightly, but never completely.
Back to the beautiful scene at hand, which was cruelly ignored as Setsuna strode purposefully to her room's bathroom and got the shower running. Anyone listening closely probably would have heard a few sharp chirps that could have resembled human swears and curses.
For the whole of the entire 7 minutes she was in the shower, Setsuna began to brace herself for the beginning of her classes. As she let the cool water slide off her body, she mentally prepared for what was to be her first real mingling with normal humans, her first taste of formal education, and, most frighteningly, her first encounter with her Ojou-sama in 8 years. Her first encounter with her Ojou-sama since that incident so many moons ago. She already felt them forming behind her eyes, so she stepped out and dried herself off before the tears could fall.
She stared at herself in the body-length mirror.
White, almost porcelain skin, covered with very few scars but mostly flawless, thanks to the demon blood that flowed within her that could heal most physical injuries immediately. Rolling her shoulders, lines and sharp cuts were very obvious on the surface of her body, showing off her incredibly hard work and training and pretty much swinging a sword well more than half her size for her entire life. Her arms were slender but solid, showing her biceps and triceps without her needing to flex. Her shoulders were feminine but broad, rounded and sharp at the same time. Her stomach was almost considered an injustice. It was very flat with less than no trace of flab anywhere, and subtle muscular bumps could be seen between the lines that formed her abdomen. Her legs were also solid, powerful yet slender enough to make her kicks swift and deadly. Her chest was modest with a pair that was round and perky, perfectly proportional with the rest of her body.
Her eyes then wandered back to her face. It was as pale as the rest of her body, making her already striking deep grey eyes contrast even more. They were ever sharp, searching, and anyone being stared at for enough time by Sakurazaki could have sworn that she could see their lingerie. Not that they had a problem with that. Her hair, jet black and straight, framed her face perfectly, falling slightly below her shoulders. Her jaw line was sharp and sculpted. Beautiful wasn't enough to describe her. No, she wasn't JUST beautiful. She was-
"Nothing but an ugly hanyou."
It was at this moment that all the models in the world and their photoshop artists jumped off the nearest cliff.
Giving herself one last look of disgust, she tied her hair up into a ponytail at the side of her head, and began carefully bandaging her chest. Her teeth brushed, her uniform secure and Yuunagi fixed behind her back, Setsuna was ready to face one of the incredibly few challenges that actually fazed her- it's time for the first day of classes.