Touta Konoe, a young boy living in the sticks, works together with his friends to win in a fight against their teacher to earn permission to travel to the capital. However, Touta tries to find an easy solution, but it results in his friends and caregiver in a life or death situation. He can save them, but at what sacrifice?
Touta meets a girl on his travels and they discuss their future dreams. He learns due to being immortal, those dreams may now be impossible.
Touta meets another child around his age, and though they didn't meet on the best of terms, they begin to hit it off. However, Touta's current situation could be a deal breaker or even cost him his life.
With nowhere to go if he doesn't kill Yukihime, she compromises with Kuromaru, telling him if he can defeat Touta, they'll have a rematch. Touta also proposes the loser of their match will do whatever the winner wishes.
Kuromaru struggles with his feelings about traveling with the infamous Dark Evangel and Touta. They stop at a hot springs town and challenge Yukihime to a strip battle.
After nabbing the towel from Yukihime, Kuromaru finally comes to terms with his situation and agrees to travel with the two. Touta's new dream is to form an immortal family. Yukihime's past pulls in and Touta realizes they're not alone.
Though they have a good start, the UQ Holder teams realizes the true strength of the legendary five and despite being heroes in the past, they now believe a few hundred lives lost is nothing in the grand scheme of things. Unable to best the former heroes, Kirie stands up to the masters and makes a sudden confession.
Having successfully holding out, Asuna emerges and is able to temporarily stop Ialda's plans. Touta realizes how incredible his team is and knows if he wishes to save his grandfather and the world, he's going to need far more power. Fate invites him to chat with him sometime and explain his side of things.
Touta seeks feedback on how to save the world. Meanwhile, after a raunchy dream, just seeing Touta makes Kirie flee. The other UQ Holder members try to make the two reconcile using Jinbei's secret technique.